You're Not Alone Incontinence is Common
Urinary incontinence has recently been identified by the World Health Organization as a major health issue in developed and developing nations. You Are Not Alone.
New Zealand needs to take action to address this health issue.
It is estimated that almost 280,000 people suffer from the involuntary loss of urine in New Zealand. Our large baby boomer population is now moving through menopause when urinary incontinence often becomes worse. Although incontinence may occur much earlier than the menopausal years (pregnancy and childbirth being major contributors), it often worsens during this phase of a woman’s life.
It’s difficult to imagine the devastating impact incontinence can have on a person’s life without experiencing it directly. This is a condition that people feel they must hide from others and talk about only in hushed voices behind closed doors. But the next time you are at the supermarket, take a look at the size of the product display for absorbent pads for urinary incontinence. The rules of supply-and-demand being what they are, supermarkets just do not put out large displays of goods they do not sell! The rate at which these products sell is astounding, so who do you think is buying them?
Urinary incontinence is often thought of as an old person’s problem, usually occurring only in the elderly in nursing homes or those with chronic and debilitating diseases. Well, consider that one in three women who have ever had a baby have suffered incontinence at some stage! 40 per cent of women in the 30-44 age group suffer urinary incontinence whilst the frequency continues to rise to 50% in the 45-59 age group. And yet few women talk about it! An estimated 50% of sufferers do not discuss their incontinence, even with their GPs 1. Most women are too embarrassed to mention it even to their friends, and just go about changing and altering their lives so as to avoid embarrassment to themselves.
Urinary incontinence can be devastating psychologically as well as emotionally and physically to a woman. Statistics do not show the deeper social cost – psycho-social problems arising from lowered levels of exercise, from depression and social isolation. Incontinence impacts on self-esteem, confidence, dignity and independence, robbing the community of the significant social input of people with high levels of skill and expertise. It lowers productivity and length of participation in the workforce.
Many women leak urine with just about any kind of exercise or exertion. Women who do exercise on a regular basis have simply quit; they just do not like to smell like urine when they finish. Mothers may stop running or playing ball with their children because they know they will leak. When they are in a group of people interacting socially, they are careful not to laugh for fear of being incontinent. If they are sitting and a joke is told, they cross their legs tightly before the punch line so as not leak when they laugh. Or they cancel dinners and parties and stop going out in public for fear of embarrassment. They may dread getting a cold or cough, because they know when they start sneezing or coughing, they will repeatedly wet themselves. They may always carry an extra set of underwear in their purses so they can make a quick exit and change when the next inevitable accident occurs. Women who enjoy dancing/golf/running/community work/bowls/etc may stop because they cannot participate without leakage and are too embarrassed of smelling like urine.
Thankfully Our New Zealand Founded Business www.staydry.co.nz has a Wide Range of effective Washable products available to help from Light to Heavy Bladder loss Including Waterproof protect for around the home or when traveling.
Stay Dry Products was founded back in 1993 From a Personal Pain point of its founder. When caring for a relative & not having easy access to washable sustainable incontinence products in New Zealand Free of Heavy Metals & Phthalate, our business has continued to keep Our Values that of the founder. Client comfort /confidence/ dignity / Confidentially/ Customer service/ Environmentally Conscious.
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